A Very British Tilt

Towards a new UK strategy in the Indo-Pacific Region

November 22, 2020

Policy Exchange has convened a distinguished international Indo-Pacific Commission of current and former political leaders, military leaders, and thought leaders to help frame the scope of what a new UK strategy in the Indo-Pacific should be. Chaired by Rt Hon Stephen J Harper, the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada, Policy Exchange’s Indo-Pacific Commission represents the UK, Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia. Each commissioner brought their particular expertise and experience to the Commission’s discussions and drafting, and this report reflects a broad consensus of views on Britain’s role in the Indo-Pacific region.

Now closer to home, Australia welcomes the UK’s acknowledgement of the strategic significance of the Indo-Pacific region and a renewed interest in their own involvement. In 1941, Europe was certainly in the cockpit of history; now, in the 21st century, the Indo-Pacific will shape the destiny of the world. It is a point made well in the timely publication by Policy Exchange’s Indo-Pacific commission, ‘A Very British Tilt: Towards a new UK strategy in the Indo-Pacific Region’. It’s published, I understand, today. The report notes that the time is right for Britain to shift the weight of its strategic policy towards the Indo-Pacific as it reviews its role in the world, and I couldn’t agree more and have conveyed the same to Boris. And I endorse the report’s vision for a reinvigorated community of free and independent nations with a single, overriding goal: namely, reinforce a sustainable, rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific that is resilient but adaptable to the great power realities of the 21st century.

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